On-stage at a live music event in Franklin, TN—Daniel Crandall photographer produces live event video.

Schedule Your Video Service, Training, or Support Today

Light is the key to photo and video production!

3 Steps to Look Great on Video!

Today people judge your webcam presence like they are judging your clothes or haircut. HOW you show up in person matters—and how you look on camera is important to your audience.

Video is often your first impression, and you want to impress!

I’m Daniel Crandall, Photographer and Video Director. I help people look amazing in pictures and on your webcam, and—

You don’t need ugly studio lights to look amazing on camera—even in your home office!

I love to help people in a challenging space to set up a great office atmosphere that you enjoy AND helps you look like a pro on live video.

Your solution to look great on video starts here!

  • Step 1 – Book a live training which includes a personal review of your space.
  • Step 2 – Get training and personalized strategy with specific recommendations for your office, small changes or upgraded technology.
  • Step 3 – Book a follow-up 1-on-1 and we will together make final adjustments and show off your new look!
On-stage at a live music event in Franklin, TN—Daniel Crandall photographer produces live event video.

Production Shoots and LIVE Video!

What is your video production need? We support small companies with production, studio setup, content creation, training videos, product marketing, youtube chanels… 

Schedule a free call to develop your video strategy!

I love to help people in a challenging spaces to create professional video content.

Your solution to video production and support services starts here!